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Applying Minimalistic Design to Make an Innovative Package for Ramajeyam

Creating an innovative package is a challenging task. Package design can help not just increase your brand value but drastically boost sales. One of the many challenges of creating a great-looking package is making it convey multiple elements with a simple design. Overcrowding the design with too many elements and illustrations can be counter-effective and drive away potential customers. Therefore, keeping a design simple and minimal greatly helps in retaining a neat look.




Brand Strategy, Brand Name and Packaging Design




Ramajeyam Rice (RMJ) is a well-established rice brand in Tamil Nadu. The company has a sizeable presence in the online and export market. Since their brand and products are well known, RMJ wanted to retain their mascot while modifying the design to make it stand out. Therefore, DesignTheme Innoventics (DTI) tackled the creative challenge head-on and helped RMJ create a pleasing package design.


The primary challenge in creating the design solution was integrating the existing design with a new one. Some of the challenges were:

  • RMJ wanted to retain the original brand mascot, logo, and older color designs
  • The restrictions required a different design approach
  • The company needed 8 different color variations of the new design that coincided with their theme and message
  • The illustration design on the package had to represent agriculture
  • A sketch of the founder was to be placed on the back of the package

Through the new design, RMJ intended to revamp its older packages and highlight its brand value. By including instances of agriculture in their package design, they wanted to portray the authenticity and purity of their products.


DesignTheme Innoventics (DTI) is a Bangalore-based creative agency that works towards creating impactful design solutions. Through an innovative and out-of-the-box approach, their designs convey a rich and engaging story. To create original designs, it is important to understand the brand and the message that it wants to convey.Therefore, with RMJ, DTI worked around the guidelines to create the desired solution.

To create RMJ’s package design, DTI incorporated a light background illustration to blend it with the original design. The background illustration was based on the agricultural theme, as required by the company.

DTI used a vibrant color palette to revamp the product and make it stand out of the ordinary. The mascot and logo of the brand were placed following the new colors. Finally, an artistic sketch of the founder was pinned at the back of the package.

The sketch added the final touch to the package making it look authentic and helped in communicating the brand values.


The result of the creative process was a seamless design that looked both aesthetically attractive, authentic, and yet conveyed the vision of the company. The simplistic design helped in achieving a balanced and clean look. By following this template, DTI created different color variations for RMJ’s product. Each color acted as a signature for the product. By approaching design challenges with multiple perspectives, DTI can deliver unique and innovative solutions.

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