A constructive packaging and labelling work is a primary requirement for a brand. Know why and how they do it?
A constructive packaging and labelling work is a primary requirement for a brand.
You may often wonder why Google has to come up with commercials on television even though it needs no introduction. The fact is that people or as we say target groups often tend to forget brands if they are not seen or heard frequently.
Here we will discuss the significance of packaging and labeling of a brand in making their products viable and worth remembering in the market. Over here advertising also plays an important role, but our discussion will be focussed only on the packaging design.
There are two kinds of conflict that a company has to win after positioning its product on the market. The first is that are the customers seeing the product on display, and secondly, are they buying it?
To resolve both these conflict we at Design Theme will tell you the two most important steps responsible for making a brand sell its products in the market.
Packaging design strategy
A well-constructed design strategy is what a brand needs in such a highly competitive market. All the competitors are doing well with packaging design, and it is inevitable that you need to be unique and better in your ways. But even the strategy depends on a few factors. One of our designers will tell you what are those?
Before initiating the design process, we keep in mind the four fundamental factors which are responsible for making the work better.
The design should be such that it attracts as well as persuade the consumer to buy the product. We work on the persuasion factor where experiments are conducted to make a customer feel needed for the product.
The packaging design not only does communicate the values and attributes of the product but also construct brand recognition and awareness.
A brand always tries to fulfill the expectation of the customers which enhances brand loyalty. The design should also match the level of expectation, and therefore we always study the type of people who purchase the brand.
Finished art
Over here the design team along with the Art Director does the final checking on the design layout. The step is just behind the final printing stage and the entire team checks on every aspect of the design whether it is fulfilling the creative as well as the commercial requirements of the brand. After this, the work goes for printing and the clients wait for the final output.
At Design Theme we do packaging and labeling for many brands as the companies trust our creative insights, and even our professionalism in handling an account of a client. We have recently completed work for Kapila food products and Yellow Veda herbals, and are continuing with the rest in the pipeline.